Hang Tab Boxes:

Custom hang tab boxes provide the optimal functionality and view of products in one piece. We offer these attractive hang tab boxes and your desired printing at the lowest price possible. The die-cut tabs on the top are easy to use to make a lot of products easily noticeable. They can be cut in any size you want and can be fixed at the back of the center of the top. The top flap of the hole-bearing box can be shaped in any shape you want, such as rectangular, semi-circular, or any other. For heavy products, we're preparing your favorite hang tab style boxes to ensure extra security.

Companies are always looking for a durable tab design to display items with the help of custom promotional packaging. We specialize in the production of high-quality branded boxes and come up with a low priced hand-held solution in the form of a durable tab. You can avail of a diversifying array of custom tab holders with flexible inserts. We allow you to choose from a wide variety of digitally printed colors for boxes to add distinction and attention-grabbing outlooks to custom tab heavy-duty boxes.